CMDJOB executable_to_run Submits a command line job to Backburner. -OPTIONS- -? - Show this help file. -cmdFile: - Semi-colon seperated list of text files OR that contains any of the options below. @ Can be used alongside these options. -JOB OPTIONS- -jobName: - Job name. Default is 'cmdJob'. -jobNameAdjust - Add a number to the name if it already exists in the queue. -description: - Sets a description for the job. -priority: - Sets job's priority. Default is 50. -workPath: - Working folder for cmdjob.exe and servers. Used to resolve relative paths for running the executable. Default for cmdjob.exe is the current path. Default for the Servers is Backburner's. -logPath: - Task log folder. Default is to not produce a log. -showOutput: - Semi colon seperated list of output files to be accessible from the Monitor. -SUBMIT OPTIONS- -dependencies: - Semi-colon list of job dependencies. -timeout: - Sets a timeout per task. Default is 60 minutes. -attach - Attaches the executable to the job. -progress - Monitor the job progress. -suspended - Starts the job suspended. -leaveInQueue - Keep job in queue after completion. Default is to use manager settings. -archive - Archive job on completion. OR -archive: - Archive job after specified number of days (1 or more) after job completion. Default is to use manager settings. (Ignored when -leaveInQueue is used) -delete - Delete job on completion. OR -delete: - Delete job after specified number of days (1 or more) after job completion. Default is to use manager settings. (Ignored when -leaveInQueue is used) (Ignored when -archive is used) -nonconcurrent - Tasks are executed in a sequence. -dontBlockTasks - Disables task blocking for this job. Default is to use global settings. -blockTasks - Forces task blocking for this job. Default is to use global settings. -perServer - Creates seperate jobs that are identical to this job, and assigns one to each server assigned to this job. Each server will perform the same tasks as the others. -NETWORK OPTIONS- -manager: - Manager name, default is automatic search. -netmask: - Network mask. -port: - Port number. -servers: - Semi colon seperated list of servers. (Ignored if a group is used) -serverCount: - Max number of servers that can work on this job at any point in time. -group: - Group name of servers to use. -PARAMETERS- -taskList: - File contains a tab seperated table. Use fill-in tokens to reference the table. -taskName: - Sets the task name from the task list file 0=Unnamed, 1-X=column index in the file -numTasks: - Number of tasks to perform. (Ignored if -taskList is used) -tp_start: - Specify the starting value of an internally generated table used as a task list file. (Ignored if -taskList is used) -tp_jump: - Specify the increment of the internally generated table used as a task list file. (Ignored if -taskList is used) -jobParamFile: - File with two tab-seperated column used to add custom data to the job. The first colum is the parameter's name. The second column is the parameter's value. -NOTIFICATION OPTIONS- -emailFrom:
- Source email address for notification. -emailTo:
- Destination email address for notification. -emailServer: - SMTP name of email server to use. -emailCompletion - Notify by email job completion. -emailFailure - Notify by email job failure. -emailProgress: - Notify by email the completion of every Nth task -FILL-IN TOKENS- Placeholder tokens that are replaced while calling executable. These are evaluated on a per server basis. These are not recursive. For example, %tp1 cannot evaluate to contain a fill-in token itself. %jn - Job name. %dsc - The job description. %srv - Name of the server executing the task. %tpX - Task parameter X from the task list. X, column index in the task list file. Rows correspond to the current task #. %*tpX - Same as %tpX *, number of 0 padded digits to use. %tn - Task number of the assigned task. %*tn - Same as %tn *, number of 0 padded digits to use. %jpX - Parameter X from the job parameter file. X, row index in the job parameter file. %*jpX - Same as %jpX *, number of 0 padded digits to use. -NOTES- Options are not case-sensitive. Only the FIRST occurrence of cmdFile/@ is used, the others are ignored. Only the LAST occurrence of each other option is used.